Twitch Commands


Hier sind meine Twitch Commands

!discord Discord:

!youtube YouTube:

!website Website:

!instagram Instagram:


!x X:

!raffle Join the active raffle.

!quote Trigger a random or specific quote.

!join Allows a viewer to join the queue.

!leave Allows a viewer to leave the queue.

!request Add a video to the queue.

!video Show current video.

!skip Viewers can vote to skip a video.

!wrongvideo Allows a user to remove their last requested video.

!points Displays the amount of currency the user has.

!top Displays a list of Top users based on points.

!tophours Displays a list of Top users based on hours.

!heist Allows viewers to start a heist.

!vote Register your vote.

!bet Register your bet.

!mybet Check what you have bet on.

!merch Promotes your Streamlabs Merch Store.

!gamble Allows viewers to gamble using their points.

!8ball Allows viewers to ask questions to eight ball.

!slots Allows viewers to gamble points on the slot machine.

!duel Allows viewers to duel with each other for points.

!accept Allows viewer to accept a duel.

!deny Allows viewer to deny a duel.

!cancel Allows viewer to cancel the initiated duel.

!redeem Allows viewers to redeem items from your loyalty store through chat.